Health and Wellness Check
If you are living independently, you are obliged to be more careful of yourself. You need to be well and healthy all the time because it
is hard to get sick most especially if you are away from your family as no one
would be there to look after you. So just recently, I started some adjustments
with my daily activities. Allow me to share some of these changes in my life.
I now wake up earlier than usual and I strictly follow a
meal plan that I created. I make it sure that I get to eat the just the right
amount of meat and have vegetables on my menu. I also drink milk before
sleeping. Aside from that, I just started running. It’s not something that I
would submissively do every day but I plan to run at least twice a week. I ran
for twenty minutes the other day and I would like to run more next time. From
what I’ve read on this article, running makes one happier, it reduces the
chances of dying early due to cancer, and it also improves memory and learning.
See the benefits? Why not add running to your weekly routine too?
The first quarter of this year, I must say that I got sick a
lot of times. I even got sick during my birthday! I hope to stick with these
modifications not only for this year but for the years to come as well. One of
my ultimate goals this year is to be healthier and stronger.
PS. I am looking for an app to monitor my running. Do you
have any suggestions? Comment them below.